Low budget website or a Good Budget Website?

You’re launching a new company, now you’re thinking of a low-budget website for your business! There are many reasons you should think twice about the cost-cutting about the website development. Let’s go through some reasons why! But before that, let’s assume you’re comparing WordPress for a low budget with MERN Stack/ Web V8 for a moderate budget. Let’s think about some pros and cons.


WordPressMERN Stack / Web V8
SpeedSlowerIncredibly Fast
Delivery timeReal QuickModerate
Ready DesignA number ofCustom Design
FeaturesWooComerce – Very Advanced features for e-commerce.Custom Features
Maintenance DifficultyLess Easy to MaintainButter Smooth and Easy
VulnerabilityVulnerable in some cases for anything mess with the pluginsSecure and Stable


These are just some comparisons. But the real deal-breaker is Speed, especially when you think about your customers. Just imagine the given circumstance. Suppose, one of your customers might need 20 products to browse and buy.

Now, in a JavaScript-based site, such as Node JS in the backend, he/she can do the browsing and adding cart in about 5 minutes since the site is incredibly fast. But for a WordPress site, he/she have to give at least 15 minutes to do the job which can lead the customer to boredom and less buying product from your site.

This Circumstance is a very crucial reason to do the website in MERN Stack.

Contact us for more info including how to make a low-budget MERN Stack website with the best quality.

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